1 | 但是很少有政治家有魄力改变这一现状。 | But few politicians would have the courage to back it. | |
2 | 当今世界需要的是一群立场坚定、能做自己认为是对的事情的“强硬派”家长。 | What the world needs now is a big bunch of strong parents who have the courage to stand firm and do what they think is right. | |
3 | 当然,只有极少数人才有勇气公开揭示这一事实,虽然人人都意识到了这一点。 | Very few, of course, have the courage to refer publicly to this fact; but everybody is aware of it. | |
4 | 鼓足你的勇气和力量来“拉伸”自己,然后你就会感觉到,你比以前任何时候都活得更有意义。 | Have the courage and strength to stretch, and you will feel yourself come alive like never before. | |
5 | 那听起来确实有些气愤,但是多数欧洲国家政府甚至连否认这些事情的勇气都没有。 | That sounds cynical enough. But most European governments do not even have the courage of their lack of convictions. | |
6 | 你是否有勇气去追求你的梦想?并且能够坚韧不拔地走到最后。 | Do you have the courage to go after what you want with tenacity and see it through to the end? | |
7 | 你有勇气去追求你的梦想吗? | Do you have the courage to pursue your dreams? | |
8 | 如果你有勇气做一些幼稚的事情并能享受它,这时你便有了信心。 | If you have the courage to do something juvenile and enjoy it, you know you have confidence. | |
9 | 如果你准备去领导一个Agile团队,你需要拥有勇气说出事实,并鼓励你的团队成员也说出事实。 | If you are going to lead an Agile team, you need to have the courage to speak the truth and let your team members speak the truth as well. | |
10 | 如果我们鼓起勇气向别人提问,并且表达我们真正想表达的,就可以避免许多无谓的烦恼和痛苦。 | If we have the courage to ask others questions and be open with our feelings, we can save a lot ourselves a lot of pain and suffering. | |
11 | 什么时候,我们的政治家们才会开始正视并承认这个残酷的事实,并停止支持通过那些让少数族裔年轻人受到附带伤害的法律呢? | When will politicians have the courage to stand up, acknowledge this fact and stop allowing young minority men to be collateral damage? | |
12 | 他笔下的许多人物都“痛恨腐败,但没有勇气与腐败做斗争,因为代价是昂贵的,”他说。 | Many of his characters "hate corruption but don’t have the courage to fight against it, because that is costly" , he said. | |
13 | 他们突然逃离,甚至没有勇气为他们一时冲动而牵连的受害者承担责任。 | "They run away, and don’t even have the courage to accept responsibility for their casualties, " he scoffs. | |
14 | 他们选择放弃生命,英雄往往做了别人没有勇气做的事。 | They choose to give up the life, hero often made others did not have the courage to do. | |
15 | 他说:“肯尼迪总统做得对,我们必须让全世界知道我们会强硬起来,我祈祷总统有勇气坚持到底。” | "We have to let the world know we are going to get tough and I pray the President will have the courage to follow through. " | |
16 | 他说:“我们应当有勇气让每场足球比赛中都分出胜负。” | "We should have the courage to introduce a final decision in every game of football. " he said. | |
17 | 它是很重要的,要有勇气去把插头插在一个目标,这个目标不再符合你真实自我的危险。 | It is important to have the courage to pull the plug on a goal that is no longer aligned with your true self. | |
18 | 同时,决策者必须有勇气坚持他们(新发现)的宏观审慎信念。 | In parallel, policymakers must have the courage of their (new-found) macro-prudential convictions. | |
19 | 同样,也并非所有领导者都有胆量在所有证据都搜集齐全之前就形成自己的观点。 | Not all have the courage to form a point of view before all the evidence is clear. | |
20 | 为了得到你想要的东西,你必须鼓起勇气去求助于他人。 | In order to get what you want, you have to have the courage to ask others for assistance. | |
21 | 我当时没有勇气来应对面临的问题。 | I did not have the courage to cope with the problems then. | |
22 | 我很想那样说,但是,很奇怪地我却没有勇气。我说过了,一定是我的态度问题。 | I wanted to say that but weirdly I didn’t have the courage . Most certainly with my attitude I would have said so. | |
23 | 我们必须勇敢地认识它,在你的家庭里可能就会有这样可怜的人。 | We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family. | |
24 | 我们必须有勇气为我们的理想下注,承担预期风险,并付诸实际。 | We must have the courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. | |
25 | 我们都知道你出于新生情结花好几个小时在Facebook上寻找过去的女友或者你爱的男人却没有勇气与他们交谈。 | We know you spend hours looking for former girlfriends or that guy who you loved from freshman psych but didn’t have the courage to talk to. | |
26 | 我们是否有坚持到底的勇气 | Would we have the courage to see it through? | |
27 | 我们要显示我们已经准备好为成为一个民众可信赖的政府而奋斗,我们也有勇气给国家一个不一样的将来。 | We need to show that we are prepared to fight to be a credible government and have the courage to offer an alternative future. | |
28 | 我们有能力把世界变成我们所希望的那样,但前提是我们必须勇于开创新的开端,同时谨记经文的训导。 | We have the power to make the world we seek, but only if we have the courage to make a new beginning, keeping in mind what has been written. | |
29 | 我希望你们抓紧时间去探究问题,诚实勇敢地回答这些问题。 | I hope you take the time to dig into the questions and have the courage to answer them honestly. | |
30 | 我相信,只要有勇气去追求,我们所有人都可以实现梦想。 | play sound I believe that all of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. |